Wednesday, September 13, 2017

2017 Q1 and Q2 Activity

2017 Q1
-    Received, voted and approved/denied ARC requests (more solar panels)
-    Completed bidding process for clean-up project
-    Clean-up project undertaken
-    Answered real estate agent requests involving numerous home sales/purchases
-    Vice President resigned

2017 Q2
-    May 6 meeting (summary)
-    Planted plants in common areas with residents helping maintain
-    Purchased and installed tennis court net
-    Requested domain transfer from Just Call Me Tom
-    Answered real estate agent requests involving numerous home sales/purchases
-    Community clean-up day for Hurricane Irma
-    Sent out letters for Annual Meeting and Elections

Also there are currently two non-official forums for residents on Nextdoor (Putnam) and Facebook. If you have another forum you would like mentioned, email us.

Prior Activity (2015-present)
2015 Q1
-    Took measures to deal with glass in large common area fire pit

2015 Q2
-    Handled requests about insurance adjustment (Anderson Insurance Associates)
-    Followed updates of Ladson case
-    Voted and denied request to borrow picnic tables from common area
-    Removed downed tree in Swamp Angel Ct
-    Replaced one dog waste container and purchased replacement bags
-    Car break-ins across neighborhood
-    Received, voted and approved/denied ARC requests

2015 Q3
-    Update on Ladson hearing (July 20); court date then set for Nov 19
-    Started Yard of the Month
-    Provided information to new home owners and updates to existing owners on HOA dues and balances
-    Sent out newsletter in mail and posted on website
-    News of vandalism in neighborhood
-    Voted and approved agreement with Sara Brown to remove and trim trees and replace fence where damage occurred
-    Voted and approved to stop annual agreement with Just Call Me Tom to provide webhosting services; vendor had already paid for domain renewal which board reimbursed vendor for and requested domain transfer
-    Voted and approved tree service across neighborhood with John Birdsall
-    Received, voted and approved/denied ARC requests

2015 Q4
-    Continued Yard of the Month
-    Brought up issues of common area use around tennis courts
-    Requested domain transfer from Just Call Me Tom
-    Provided information to real estate agents involving home sales/purchases
-    Delayed payment to Birdsall for tree work due to delayed tax form completion
-    Helped homeowners with damage from historic flooding and made sure municipal governments were aware of damage to roads, etc.
-    Continued covenant editing and had meetings to compile
-    Carolyn Lee proposed front entrance landscaping, board voted and approved to pay vendors while residents performed work
-    Received, voted and approved/denied ARC requests
-    Ladson v Stonefield court date with board members present; judge ruled in favor of Ladson’s who requested a quit claim for claimed property
-    Treasurer found issues with prior years’ tax returns which were remedied
-    Secretary resigned

2016 Q1
-    Received, voted and approved/denied ARC requests
-    Compiled list of street lights for SCE&G to replace lights
-    Answered real estate agent requests involving home sales/purchases
-    Continued landscaping work in other common areas with Carolyn Lee
-    Started to plan elections

2016 Q2
-    Received, voted and approved/denied ARC requests
-    Handled real estate agent requests involving home sales/purchases
-    Began work towards having a Turkey’s towing sign by tennis courts

2016 Q3
-    Received, voted and approved/denied ARC requests (four solar panel requests approved)
-    Answered real estate agent requests involving home sales/purchases
-    Hubbert Attaway downed tree removed
-    Requested domain transfer from Just Call Me Tom
-    Sent out August newsletter and information about August elections

2016 Q4
-    Annual Meeting:
        assigned board positions
        priorities for the year:
            balancing the budget
            state of the covenants
-    Received, voted and approved/denied ARC requests (again, many solar panel requests approved)
-    Answered real estate agent requests involving numerous home sales/purchases
-    Removed liens from homeowners who became current on dues
-    Replaced mailbox at entrance
-    Carolyn Lee helped paint neighborhood sign and lay sod on entrance; moved irrigation and finished mulching.
-    Hurricanes Hermine (September) and Matthew (October) caused extensive damage in neighborhood
-    Addressed specific tree damage with home owners and began drafting plan to remove/trim trees that were threatening personal property
-    Began collecting bids for cleaning project from multiple companies

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