Spring 2018 Newsletter!
Hi Neighbors! First off, I apologize for the delay in updates and lack of communication. I promise to provide more information on a regular basis going forward. I hope everyone has been enjoying the beautiful weather and sunshine lately!
I wanted to give a quick update on the new board members, cover some highlights, and provide some friendly reminders.
New Board Members
- Al Stiles - President
- Josh Absher - Vice President, Social Event Chair and Website Administrator
- Susan Kirkley - Treasurer
- Lesa Jones - Secretary
- JJ Raanamoon - ARB Chair
The Stonefield HOA can be reached at board@stonefieldhomes.org or you can leave a message at (843) 580-6282. We also have a mailbox on Stiles Bee near the entrance.
Mailing Address
Stonefield Community Associate, Inc.
1433 Stiles Bee Avenue
Charleston, SC 29412
Yard of the month is back! Winners will receive a Lowes gift card and their "15 minutes of fame" on our super cool Facebook Page. We are hoping to utilize this Facebook page more often going forward for all of our "unofficial" communication: Stonefield Community, Charleston
The board is planning on sprucing up the common areas, and adding more green to the neighborhood. As always, volunteers are appreciated. We have spoken with the landscapers to make sure they are not missing any areas that need attention.
The board is planning on sprucing up the common areas, and adding more green to the neighborhood. As always, volunteers are appreciated. We have spoken with the landscapers to make sure they are not missing any areas that need attention.
Also, the Nextdoor app is nice to have and it's free. I noticed Stonefield has a pretty strong presence on there already. If you are not familiar with it, basically think of it as a private social network for your neighborhood. It is also a great way to hear what's happening in your local community and maybe track down a rouge cat.
Please help us keep the neighborhood looking nice! Place bulk trash and yard debris on the pavement, not on the grassy common areas. By the way, there is a Convenience Center less than 5 minutes away. They accept practically everything and it's pretty well organized. Although, I would suggest double checking their hours before you head over there. I believe the household recyclable dumpsters are accessible 24-7 but the drop site area is limited.
Recycling Convenience Centers & Dropsites

Accepts standard household recyclables (glass, plastic bottles and containers, aluminum & steel cans, paper, magazines, paperboard, and corrugated cardboard).
Accepts used electronics (TV's, printer, monitors & computers only).
Accepts used motor oil and cooking oil.
Accepts corrugated cardboard.
Accepts household hazardous waste (paint, pesticides, fertilizers, batteries, CFL.
Accepts used tires.
New Residents - If you are new to the neighborhood then welcome and please take a moment to complete the Resident Update Form found under the "Important Files and Information" section on the website. Feel free to email the completed form to the Board via board@stonefieldhomes.org. If you don't have a scanner then we can arrange something or maybe give the "Genius Scan" app a shot.
Signal Point Road Convenience Center 1716 Signal Point Road, 29412

Accepts standard household recyclables (glass, plastic bottles and containers, aluminum & steel cans, paper, magazines, paperboard, and corrugated cardboard).
Accepts used electronics (TV's, printer, monitors & computers only).
Accepts used motor oil and cooking oil.
Accepts corrugated cardboard.
Accepts household hazardous waste (paint, pesticides, fertilizers, batteries, CFL.
Accepts used tires.
Important Reminders
New Residents - If you are new to the neighborhood then welcome and please take a moment to complete the Resident Update Form found under the "Important Files and Information" section on the website. Feel free to email the completed form to the Board via board@stonefieldhomes.org. If you don't have a scanner then we can arrange something or maybe give the "Genius Scan" app a shot.
ARB Guidelines - You will also find the ARB Request Form in this section. Please take a moment to become familiar with the ARB process and when it applies. The ARB is basically responsible for the review of all changes to the exterior of members’ properties. Their review includes new building construction, alterations, building additions, and demolitions. Even minor changes to the exterior of a property, such as paint color and signs may be reviewed. To help with the selection process, we have adopted the Charleston Historical Paint color pallet for exterior colors. Please try to remember that the Stonefield Community Association is simply trying to preserve the aesthetic quality of our community.
Safety and Security - Stay vigilant in preventing crimes of opportunity by locking doors, storing belongings, and not leaving valuables in cars. Also, please report any suspicious behavior, better to be safe than sorry! Please contact the police department first, and notify your neighbors via Nextdoor or our Facebook page.
Regime Fees - Last but not least, please stay up-to-date with your regime fees. Invoices are mailed every quarter and fees are due each quarter, shouldn't be much of a surprise really. If you are not receiving your quarterly statements or have questions about your balance, please contact Ivey Baird or our Treasurer, Susan Kirkley at: board@stonefieldhomes.org
Ivey Baird
JB Business Solutions, LLC
213 Ayers Circle
Summerville, SC 29485
Ivey Baird
JB Business Solutions, LLC
213 Ayers Circle
Summerville, SC 29485